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ผศ. ดร. ธนากร มูลพงศ์


   - ปริญญาเอก - Ph.D. in Public Administration & Policy, University of Georgia, USA (ทุนรัฐบาลไทย),
   - ปริญญาโท - Master of Public Administration (Public Management & Organization Theory), University of Georgia, USA (ทุนรัฐบาลไทย),
   - ปริญญาโท - การจัดการภาครัฐและภาคเอกชนมหาบัณฑิต, สถาบันบัณฑิตพัฒนบริหารศาสตร์ (NIDA),
   - ปริญญาตรี - รัฐประศาสนศาสตรบัณฑิต (เกียรตินิยม), มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม่,

Substantive Area of Research
Research Methodology
Research Lenses

-Mulaphong, D. (2022). Social undermining in public sector organizations: Examining its effects on employees’ work attitudes, behaviors, and performance. Public Organization Review.
-Mulaphong, D. (2022). Citizen engagement in coproductive community services: Examining the influence of community attachment, trust in the local government, and the leadership of local elected officials. Community Development.
-Mulaphong, D. (2022). Does meritocracy produce desirable outcomes for public organizations? Results of a worldwide expert survey from 149 nations. Public Integrity.
-Kang, S. C., Mulaphong, D., Hwang, E., & Chang, C.-K. (2019). Public-private partnerships in developing countries: Factors for successful adoption and implementation. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 32(4), 334-351.
-Chokprajakchat, S. , Techagaisiyavanit, W. , Mulaphong, D. , ... Kuanliang, A. , Laosunthorn, C. (2023). Tracking violence in Thailand: The making of violent crime index. Security Journal.
-Techagaisiyavanit, W. , Chokprajakchat, S. , Mulaphong, D. (2023). Reterritorializing Thailand's Transnational Space? The Host State's Policy Silence in Countering Transnational Repression and the Facilitation of Extraterritorial Space-Making. World Affairs.
-Does police stop and search make everyone feel safe? Evidence from the United States.